Workshop “Tell us what resource does not exist yet!”

Last week, the workshop Tell us what resource does not exist yet! was held at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Tell us! is a practical learning activity in which EMLex students develop an idea for an innovative lexicographic tool using the Design Thinking methodology.

A xuntanza desenvolveuse na Facultade de Filoloxía. FOTO: Santi Alvite

A reunión do consorcio serviu para acometer a planificación cronolóxica dos diferentes Coloquios do Consorcio EMLex. FOTO: Santi Alvite

The results are very interesting and the methodology has been very successful. You can see some of the projects on this website launched by Carlos Valcárel from the University of Vigo:

The workshop was organised by Carlos Valcárcel, Isaac González and María José Domínguez in collaboration with EMLex, the teaching innovation group MeReLing and the research group ESMAS-ES+ (PID2022-137170OB-I00, funding by MCIN/AEI//FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”).

Fotos: Santi Alvite – USC