
Presentation of the possibilities for the continuation of the project in Rome

In the framework of the conference “New challenges in dictionary teaching” organised by the Erasmus Mundus EMLex Master at the University Roma 3, María José Domínguez and Carlos Valcárcel presented the didactic applications of the MultiGenera and MultiComb projects, as well as their possible integration in PORTLEX, the multilingual valency dictionary developed by the team...


Webminario: Jugando con la combinaria

Os equipos lingüístico e informático de MultiGenera e MultiComb encontrarémonos o vindeiro xoves 3 de xuño no Webinario Jugando con la Combinatoria. Será unha intensa sesión de traballo a modo de hackaton. Mais non só iso: presentaremos as ferramentas aos investigadores e investigadoras que participarán no webinario, trebellaremos con elas até que boten fume e pasarémolo ben...